God's Warriors: Lessons Learned as a Muslim….

Christiane Amanpour

With a strong British accent, some “quirky” moments, light humor, and sarcasm in her reporting, Christian Amanpour presented one of the most compelling, surprising, and downright enraging at times, CNN special reports I have ever had the “privilege” of viewing.  Her report, God’s Warriors made me react many ways, but the most important reaction to this special is the need I have to express what ideas and thoughts were sparked in my mind.

For those who didn’t catch the special or never heard of it, the premise is that on three different nights, Amanpour dedicates two hours to “fundamentalism, extremism, etc.” present in followers of all three Abrahamic faiths:  Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.  The special primarily focuses on how religion can go bad with a speck of good every now and again.  My focus of this “response” if you will, is the obvious to many, and based on the segments on Jews and Christians.

These segments brought to light many things, and invoked very strong opinions within me that I thought were not there. More than anything, my overall philosophy about Muslims and Islam was ignited, and made me realize the urgent need for action.

There were many things that were said during the Christian and Jewish programs respectfully, that made me do nothing but shake my head, pace the floor, and yell at the television.  It wasn’t the reporting or CNN, but the people that were interviewed and their commentary for the most part. The biggest thing that stood out to me on the Judaism show was the whole idea of occupation and all the things that go along with that.  Make no mistake, I have no problem with Judaism or Jewish people, and I do believe that the Jews should be able to live in peace, however how can one actually expect peace when there are so many crimes and injustices being committed by Zionists that consist of politicians, radical groups, and even the “Christian Right”?

I have said it many times on this blog and my show that Muslims need to move on from this whole idea of a Jewish state.  I truly believe that it is done and it’s time to recognize the country and move on. What I don’t agree with is the lying, cheating, and stealing that are going on in plain site which is not only occupation, but also illegal settling, and the displacement and destruction of the Palestinians. What get’s me more than anything is the outright hypocrisy of the whole thing:  Here you have a nation of people who were caught in some of the greatest atrocities known to man in the modern and not so modern eras, who were oppressed, persecuted, etc. in the name of religion, racism, class, etc.  yet now this same nation of people is doing the same thing to another people.

It makes me scratch my head.  If there should be any people outside of black people who should champion the cause of the oppressed it should be the Jews.  Some of the last people on Earth who you would expect to be the oppressor are the Jews.  So how can this be? How can a people who were so blindly hated now in turn do the same? 

As I watched the special I saw interview after interview of people justifying occupation and illegal annexation of land as something that should be OK.  I listened to Zionists openly admit to lying and cheating to settle illegally.  I heard the oft repeated speech of hate and condemnation of Palestinians as “just Arabs” who should leave.  I was greatly appalled on two levels:  One the obvious hypocrisy and two the idea that these people claim religion.  I don’t claim to personally know God, but I doubt He would sanction the idea that it’s OK to misplace millions of people, take their homes and land illegally, and oppress them in a way that creates nothing but instability and economic hardship. 

When has God ever been for the oppressor? 

Then there were two other noted things that were almost comical to me.  The first was this Christian/Jewish allegiance here in America.  Well, having been raised in the Church and knowing true Christians in respect to them, I would rather say this “Evangelical”/Jewish allegiance.  Talk about interesting bedfellows.  One group, historically oppressed and killed the other, has a strong history of anti-Semitism and believes that when the “rapture” comes the other must convert or go to hell, and the other group believes that their partner is full of it and believes in fairytales.  I don’t get it.  I can’t even see the logic in it….well maybe I can: Money!  The root of all evil has not only infiltrated the Church, but also the synagogue on this issue of Zionism.  The Jews will take all the money they can to help take land from the Palestinians and oppress them, even from those who believe in fairytales like Christians, and the Christians are happy to give it, even to those who will probably go to hell anyway for being non-believers and killers of Christ!  It almost seems made up, but it’s so true it’s scary. Together they have formed an alliance that ensures that on the surface it appears righteous and the will of God from the tongue, but in the mind and actual action is Satanic to the core.  Instead of peace, war is waged.  Instead of honesty and fair dealing, lies are told to acquire land and force is used to impose.  It never occurs to anybody involved that lying and stealing is against Judaism and Christianity, but I guess it’s for the greater good right?  Let’s only invoke and care about God or Hashem if you will, when we can use Him to get support to further our agenda.

Which brings me to the second point, isn’t it a little illogical to not expect violence from Palestinians and the Muslim world? 

I will never justify the killing of one innocent person regardless of religion, As Allah (swt) not only forbids such but says to do so is as if to kill all mankind, however can we truly sit back and expect nothing?  People have been displaced, cut off, and live in poverty as their land(s) are slowly taken from others whom they cannot do anything against, but somehow we expect silence?  We expect the Arabs to “just leave”?  What makes it much worse is the bullying tactics being used.  Not only does the Israeli government have the power to do what they will, but they also have the support thanks to our “made in Israel” bought and sold out politicians of all parties.  The American government gives Israel 3 billion dollars a year…..for what?  What have they done for America in the last four decades to warrant such?  How is it that America has the much money to give away to Israel, but can’t seem to rebuild the Gulf Coast in America? Why is it that so called Christians have all the zeal in the world to help Israeli children, but none for Palestinian Children living in squalor thanks to the parents of the Israeli children, but also none for the American children here at home suffering right now? 

I guess the rapture is too important to actually practice Christianity here at home….maybe it’s just me.

To keep this charade going they continually lie and twist scripture.  For one, this is not a Judeo-Christian country that’s a blatant political lie, told to further strengthen this idea of blind, sick, Zionism.  How can it even be remotely true, when no true Jewish presence helped establish this nation?  Even if I threw the Christians a bone and said this country was founded on Christian beliefs, how in the world did the Judeo thing creep in?  They are the smallest Abrahamic bloc not only in this country but the world.  If anything it would be better to just say Christian, but justice would dictate that if you must add others, than Muslims should be added as well.  Since it was on the backs of many Muslim slaves that this nation was built, there are more Muslims here contributing to America than Jews, etc. etc.  My point is, these are lies used to foster Zionism and isolate Islam as not only something different, but also diametrically opposed to both Christianity or Judaism.

What really ticked me off was on the Christian segment when Rev.  Hagee read from the book of Genesis and told an outright lie that it says that those who bless the Jews will be blessed.  He made my point in a nutshell.  Why do you have to lie to achieve an agenda that is supposedly sanctioned by God?

Genesis 12: 1 The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.  2 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.  3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

Hagee had the nerve to blatantly lie on national television by saying that God is saying here that Israel is blessed!  First and foremost, there was no Israel at this time, Israel; another name for Jacob (pbuh) came much later.  This blessing is strictly for Abraham (pbuh) only, and the reason why the Christian right doesn’t want to deal with this scripture is due to the fact that it is too heavy because of the simple purity of it all.  If one believes these verses to be accurate, then that means that Muslims are also blessed.  Not just because we are descendants of Ishmael (pbuh), or are circumcised (which was also part of the covenant), but most importantly because we bless and revere Abraham (pbuh) not just in speech, not just in text (Quran), but also in prayer, five times a day when we ask God to bless Abraham (pbuh) and his descendants DAILY!

So see the trick is not to tell the truth, but to be as the serpent on his belly telling lies, half-truths, and covering up scriptural reality in the name of agenda, racism, Zionism, etc.  Which should make anyone wonder are these Christian or Jewish Zionists the real deal per their own religion?  I submit again, the truth should not require lying, cheating, or stealing.  The truth should not require vast amounts of money to conceal, persuade, and oppress other peoples.  The truth should not require one to defame another’s beliefs, ideas, or race.  The truth should stand on its own merit. 

So where am I going with this?

Muslims it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee!  While we are busy debating hijab, Sunni/Shia fiqh, or which hand to wipe our backsides with, the “Christian Right” in America is building universities, raising huge amounts of money, and encouraging their congregations to vote in unison to promote an agenda.  While we are debating when and how one’s wudu can be invalidated, Jewish Zionists are increasingly taking Palestinian land with much support militarily, politically, and financially, right under our noses! Palestinians are suffering while we are fighting amongst ourselves. Pretty soon, there will be no Palestine, there will be no right to worship as Muslims freely in America, and once this is all done what is next?  Banning the Hijab in public?  Police openly in the Mosque? My dear brothers and sisters, the time has ended for our petty differences.  Allah (swt) does not care whether we pray with our arms folded or at our sides, just as long as we support the Ummah. The time for action is now.  No I’m not talking about blowing yourself up like a fool, to kill a handful of people in order to get thousands of your people slaughtered.  What I’m talking about is real work that will produce real results. We need a true American Muslim lobby with a universal Muslim agenda to rival if not outright outbid AIPAC and like entities. We need to stay away from unhelpful ideologies; you know the one’s that use Kuffar every other sentence!  We need to be progressive, not regressive.  We have to consider the entire Ummah regardless of fiqh.  Belief in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) should be the only requirement PERIOD! To achieve this, we have to face the reality that the Muslims do not live in a vacuum.  We are on every continent, in every society, and every culture.  As such we have to embrace these variances and differences as well as the non-Muslims in them as well. We should be willing to work with others who share similar beliefs and agendas.  There is no reason why we shouldn’t be in the Churches just as much as the Zionists.  After all, at least we believe in Jesus (saw) to some degree and on many of the same points as Christians.  Many black Muslims and converts to Islam are former Christians who have majority families that are Christian, so we definitely have access.  We need to be more uniform in our approach not divisive.  We need to become more politically active here in America.  That means we have to craft an agenda and stick to it.  Once this agenda is in place every Muslim should vote for it and hold candidates feet to the fire.  Mosques all over the country during Jummah and other times should encourage voting in every election.  Not only that, we need to bring forth viable, Muslim candidates for every office in the nation and vote for those non-Muslims that support our interests.  The Muslim agenda is closely aligned to the black agenda as well as the Hispanic agenda, Minorities and the oppressed have much in common.  Therefore, if we utilize the correct approach, in no time, our agenda will overrun the Zionist one, and God-willing we could finally turn things around and justice could prevail. Obviously I have many ideas and strategies, but I’m not showing all my cards in one post:)  Just think about it for a moment. My overall point is this:  While CNN’s special God’s Warriors, did bother me at times and made me outright upset at others, the one thing it did do, for which I am happy is help me gather focus and resolve.  This is about our future generations.  I have no desire to see Jews or Christians oppressed.  I believe Israel should exist in Peace with a viable and real Palestine.  I believe in the destruction of terrorist ideology.  But I believe more than anything else, that Allah (swt) helps those who help themselves.  I also believe that in these times especially, it has become obligatory for each and every Muslim to do something in the cause of justice and peace not only for the Ummah, but for all mankind.  We are our own worse enemies.  Muslims command most of the world’s resources, but as a bloc suffer and die more than others. We need to pool our resources, become active, and support one another.  In other words, Accountability and Responsibility should be our primary focus as Muslims outside of Allah (swt), but of course if that were true, there would be no need for my words, would there?

As Salaam Alaikum,

Robert Salaam     

God’s Warriors: Lessons Learned as a Muslim….

Christiane Amanpour

With a strong British accent, some “quirky” moments, light humor, and sarcasm in her reporting, Christian Amanpour presented one of the most compelling, surprising, and downright enraging at times, CNN special reports I have ever had the “privilege” of viewing.  Her report, God’s Warriors made me react many ways, but the most important reaction to this special is the need I have to express what ideas and thoughts were sparked in my mind.

For those who didn’t catch the special or never heard of it, the premise is that on three different nights, Amanpour dedicates two hours to “fundamentalism, extremism, etc.” present in followers of all three Abrahamic faiths:  Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.  The special primarily focuses on how religion can go bad with a speck of good every now and again.  My focus of this “response” if you will, is the obvious to many, and based on the segments on Jews and Christians.

These segments brought to light many things, and invoked very strong opinions within me that I thought were not there. More than anything, my overall philosophy about Muslims and Islam was ignited, and made me realize the urgent need for action.

There were many things that were said during the Christian and Jewish programs respectfully, that made me do nothing but shake my head, pace the floor, and yell at the television.  It wasn’t the reporting or CNN, but the people that were interviewed and their commentary for the most part. The biggest thing that stood out to me on the Judaism show was the whole idea of occupation and all the things that go along with that.  Make no mistake, I have no problem with Judaism or Jewish people, and I do believe that the Jews should be able to live in peace, however how can one actually expect peace when there are so many crimes and injustices being committed by Zionists that consist of politicians, radical groups, and even the “Christian Right”?

I have said it many times on this blog and my show that Muslims need to move on from this whole idea of a Jewish state.  I truly believe that it is done and it’s time to recognize the country and move on. What I don’t agree with is the lying, cheating, and stealing that are going on in plain site which is not only occupation, but also illegal settling, and the displacement and destruction of the Palestinians. What get’s me more than anything is the outright hypocrisy of the whole thing:  Here you have a nation of people who were caught in some of the greatest atrocities known to man in the modern and not so modern eras, who were oppressed, persecuted, etc. in the name of religion, racism, class, etc.  yet now this same nation of people is doing the same thing to another people.

It makes me scratch my head.  If there should be any people outside of black people who should champion the cause of the oppressed it should be the Jews.  Some of the last people on Earth who you would expect to be the oppressor are the Jews.  So how can this be? How can a people who were so blindly hated now in turn do the same? 

As I watched the special I saw interview after interview of people justifying occupation and illegal annexation of land as something that should be OK.  I listened to Zionists openly admit to lying and cheating to settle illegally.  I heard the oft repeated speech of hate and condemnation of Palestinians as “just Arabs” who should leave.  I was greatly appalled on two levels:  One the obvious hypocrisy and two the idea that these people claim religion.  I don’t claim to personally know God, but I doubt He would sanction the idea that it’s OK to misplace millions of people, take their homes and land illegally, and oppress them in a way that creates nothing but instability and economic hardship. 

When has God ever been for the oppressor? 

Then there were two other noted things that were almost comical to me.  The first was this Christian/Jewish allegiance here in America.  Well, having been raised in the Church and knowing true Christians in respect to them, I would rather say this “Evangelical”/Jewish allegiance.  Talk about interesting bedfellows.  One group, historically oppressed and killed the other, has a strong history of anti-Semitism and believes that when the “rapture” comes the other must convert or go to hell, and the other group believes that their partner is full of it and believes in fairytales.  I don’t get it.  I can’t even see the logic in it….well maybe I can: Money!  The root of all evil has not only infiltrated the Church, but also the synagogue on this issue of Zionism.  The Jews will take all the money they can to help take land from the Palestinians and oppress them, even from those who believe in fairytales like Christians, and the Christians are happy to give it, even to those who will probably go to hell anyway for being non-believers and killers of Christ!  It almost seems made up, but it’s so true it’s scary. Together they have formed an alliance that ensures that on the surface it appears righteous and the will of God from the tongue, but in the mind and actual action is Satanic to the core.  Instead of peace, war is waged.  Instead of honesty and fair dealing, lies are told to acquire land and force is used to impose.  It never occurs to anybody involved that lying and stealing is against Judaism and Christianity, but I guess it’s for the greater good right?  Let’s only invoke and care about God or Hashem if you will, when we can use Him to get support to further our agenda.

Which brings me to the second point, isn’t it a little illogical to not expect violence from Palestinians and the Muslim world? 

I will never justify the killing of one innocent person regardless of religion, As Allah (swt) not only forbids such but says to do so is as if to kill all mankind, however can we truly sit back and expect nothing?  People have been displaced, cut off, and live in poverty as their land(s) are slowly taken from others whom they cannot do anything against, but somehow we expect silence?  We expect the Arabs to “just leave”?  What makes it much worse is the bullying tactics being used.  Not only does the Israeli government have the power to do what they will, but they also have the support thanks to our “made in Israel” bought and sold out politicians of all parties.  The American government gives Israel 3 billion dollars a year…..for what?  What have they done for America in the last four decades to warrant such?  How is it that America has the much money to give away to Israel, but can’t seem to rebuild the Gulf Coast in America? Why is it that so called Christians have all the zeal in the world to help Israeli children, but none for Palestinian Children living in squalor thanks to the parents of the Israeli children, but also none for the American children here at home suffering right now? 

I guess the rapture is too important to actually practice Christianity here at home….maybe it’s just me.

To keep this charade going they continually lie and twist scripture.  For one, this is not a Judeo-Christian country that’s a blatant political lie, told to further strengthen this idea of blind, sick, Zionism.  How can it even be remotely true, when no true Jewish presence helped establish this nation?  Even if I threw the Christians a bone and said this country was founded on Christian beliefs, how in the world did the Judeo thing creep in?  They are the smallest Abrahamic bloc not only in this country but the world.  If anything it would be better to just say Christian, but justice would dictate that if you must add others, than Muslims should be added as well.  Since it was on the backs of many Muslim slaves that this nation was built, there are more Muslims here contributing to America than Jews, etc. etc.  My point is, these are lies used to foster Zionism and isolate Islam as not only something different, but also diametrically opposed to both Christianity or Judaism.

What really ticked me off was on the Christian segment when Rev.  Hagee read from the book of Genesis and told an outright lie that it says that those who bless the Jews will be blessed.  He made my point in a nutshell.  Why do you have to lie to achieve an agenda that is supposedly sanctioned by God?

Genesis 12: 1 The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.  2 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.  3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

Hagee had the nerve to blatantly lie on national television by saying that God is saying here that Israel is blessed!  First and foremost, there was no Israel at this time, Israel; another name for Jacob (pbuh) came much later.  This blessing is strictly for Abraham (pbuh) only, and the reason why the Christian right doesn’t want to deal with this scripture is due to the fact that it is too heavy because of the simple purity of it all.  If one believes these verses to be accurate, then that means that Muslims are also blessed.  Not just because we are descendants of Ishmael (pbuh), or are circumcised (which was also part of the covenant), but most importantly because we bless and revere Abraham (pbuh) not just in speech, not just in text (Quran), but also in prayer, five times a day when we ask God to bless Abraham (pbuh) and his descendants DAILY!

So see the trick is not to tell the truth, but to be as the serpent on his belly telling lies, half-truths, and covering up scriptural reality in the name of agenda, racism, Zionism, etc.  Which should make anyone wonder are these Christian or Jewish Zionists the real deal per their own religion?  I submit again, the truth should not require lying, cheating, or stealing.  The truth should not require vast amounts of money to conceal, persuade, and oppress other peoples.  The truth should not require one to defame another’s beliefs, ideas, or race.  The truth should stand on its own merit. 

So where am I going with this?

Muslims it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee!  While we are busy debating hijab, Sunni/Shia fiqh, or which hand to wipe our backsides with, the “Christian Right” in America is building universities, raising huge amounts of money, and encouraging their congregations to vote in unison to promote an agenda.  While we are debating when and how one’s wudu can be invalidated, Jewish Zionists are increasingly taking Palestinian land with much support militarily, politically, and financially, right under our noses! Palestinians are suffering while we are fighting amongst ourselves. Pretty soon, there will be no Palestine, there will be no right to worship as Muslims freely in America, and once this is all done what is next?  Banning the Hijab in public?  Police openly in the Mosque? My dear brothers and sisters, the time has ended for our petty differences.  Allah (swt) does not care whether we pray with our arms folded or at our sides, just as long as we support the Ummah. The time for action is now.  No I’m not talking about blowing yourself up like a fool, to kill a handful of people in order to get thousands of your people slaughtered.  What I’m talking about is real work that will produce real results. We need a true American Muslim lobby with a universal Muslim agenda to rival if not outright outbid AIPAC and like entities. We need to stay away from unhelpful ideologies; you know the one’s that use Kuffar every other sentence!  We need to be progressive, not regressive.  We have to consider the entire Ummah regardless of fiqh.  Belief in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) should be the only requirement PERIOD! To achieve this, we have to face the reality that the Muslims do not live in a vacuum.  We are on every continent, in every society, and every culture.  As such we have to embrace these variances and differences as well as the non-Muslims in them as well. We should be willing to work with others who share similar beliefs and agendas.  There is no reason why we shouldn’t be in the Churches just as much as the Zionists.  After all, at least we believe in Jesus (saw) to some degree and on many of the same points as Christians.  Many black Muslims and converts to Islam are former Christians who have majority families that are Christian, so we definitely have access.  We need to be more uniform in our approach not divisive.  We need to become more politically active here in America.  That means we have to craft an agenda and stick to it.  Once this agenda is in place every Muslim should vote for it and hold candidates feet to the fire.  Mosques all over the country during Jummah and other times should encourage voting in every election.  Not only that, we need to bring forth viable, Muslim candidates for every office in the nation and vote for those non-Muslims that support our interests.  The Muslim agenda is closely aligned to the black agenda as well as the Hispanic agenda, Minorities and the oppressed have much in common.  Therefore, if we utilize the correct approach, in no time, our agenda will overrun the Zionist one, and God-willing we could finally turn things around and justice could prevail. Obviously I have many ideas and strategies, but I’m not showing all my cards in one post:)  Just think about it for a moment. My overall point is this:  While CNN’s special God’s Warriors, did bother me at times and made me outright upset at others, the one thing it did do, for which I am happy is help me gather focus and resolve.  This is about our future generations.  I have no desire to see Jews or Christians oppressed.  I believe Israel should exist in Peace with a viable and real Palestine.  I believe in the destruction of terrorist ideology.  But I believe more than anything else, that Allah (swt) helps those who help themselves.  I also believe that in these times especially, it has become obligatory for each and every Muslim to do something in the cause of justice and peace not only for the Ummah, but for all mankind.  We are our own worse enemies.  Muslims command most of the world’s resources, but as a bloc suffer and die more than others. We need to pool our resources, become active, and support one another.  In other words, Accountability and Responsibility should be our primary focus as Muslims outside of Allah (swt), but of course if that were true, there would be no need for my words, would there?

As Salaam Alaikum,

Robert Salaam     

The Saga Continues….Muslim=bad, Christian=good……

Rejecting radical Islam — one man’s journey

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross was born to Jewish parents in Ashland, Oregon. A college friend introduced him to Islam.

Thank you brother Salman for alerting me to this article.

Here we go again, it never ceases to amaze me.  It could just be my weary eyes, but here is another article that when read initially could look like a fascinating article about a Jewish boy who converted to Islam then to Christianity.  However, once one looks at the style of writing it becomes clear that writer wanted to de-emphasize Daveed’s Jewish background and focus on his “brush with radical Islam” and emphasize his epiphany that in the end Christianity was the way to go!

The story goes (without stealing CNN’s thunder) Daveed was born of a Jewish family, was introduced to Islam in college, later joined a “radical” mosque, left because he didn’t agree with their violent and backward ways, and eventually found the “truth” in Christianity having been baptized in the Church….go figure.

While in his own words in the article he does admit that there are many peaceful “moderate” Muslims in America, I don’t believe the article goes far enough.  It doesn’t highlight that his experience is isolated and that his initial embrace of Islam was night and day compared to what he eventually got into at the Oregon Mosque.  The article blurs the lines and doesn’t openly point out the difference between Islam which he embraced in college and a radical teaching that he later joined later.  The two are very different.  Furthermore, I’m troubled at how the article makes the reader skeptical of Muslim converts as if we are all confused and looking for the truth, that somehow stumble upon this “Islam thing” in the end to become good little Christians.

Well, not to slander Christianity, but come on now, we are kidding ourselves if we want to continuously paint the portrait that Christianity is the solution to the “issues” of being a Muslim.  Need I remind those reading that this 74% and higher “Christian” nation has the highest level of almost all those things Jesus (pbuh) definitely wouldn’t approve of.  You know what “things” I am referring to.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of Muslim conversion stories out there that are not filled with suspicion  and fear.  If CNN needs one, they can check my blogroll or even interview me.

Oh and I have been baptized several times before, so my story only ends in la illaha ilallah!



Follow-up: Current things on my mind…Critics of Islam and Dr. King "Made in China"

Like most days believe it or not, my head is filled with a gazillion thoughts today and I have this feeling of incompleteness that has come over me.  There are several current and past issues that I feel I need to speak about and get off my chest, lest I go crazy… (Considering I’m not already).  Right now there are two items that stand out more than most:  My appearance on Dr. Blogstein’s Radio Happy our on Tuesday night and the Martin Luther King Memorial soon to be built in Washington, DC.

Starting with Tuesday….I had the privilege of having the opportunity to listen to the good Dr.’s show and he had two very controversial guests…Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian terrorist, now Christian, critic against Islam, pro-American/Israel, and a partridge in a pear tree, and author Brad Thor, best-selling author on the New York Times list, and open critic of Islam as well.  Let me say listening to their comments against Islam and their broad sweeping assertions about Islam being a violent religion and all Muslims being terrorist, did nothing short of making me furious.  Not because I’m not used to such foolish assertions by now, but primarily because of their tactics and their direct opposition to my work as one who speaks out against the failings of Muslims.

Their tactics enraged me because they were full of illogical fallacies.  They really want the listeners to believe that people directly interpret text as they do.  In other words their theory is that because they can quote verses of the Quran or Hadith that suggest or speak of “violence” then automatically all Muslims and Islam is violent.  I countered with the same should also be true for Jews and Christians then, because if one was to read the Tanakh or the Bible there’s ample verses that suggest or speak of “violence” as well.  So why are they only giving special attention to Muslims and Islam?  Then they want us to believe that because you have terrorists who justify violence using said texts it validates their point, but they forget to mention that the overwhelming majority of Muslims use the same texts to justify living in peace, interfaith, or actively acting against terrorists like I am.  So it’s either all or nothing?  That’s my opinion.  Either all Muslims are something or they are not.  Then the truth can come in where they promote falsehood.  The truth is that some Muslims are terrorists and most are not.  Therefore, we need to focus on the ideology that makes terrorists which is obviously not the same as those who are not terrorists hence; it’s not Islam, but something else.  Islam, like most religion throughout human history is being used as a scapegoat and a catalyst to promote wicked actions.  The same was done with Christianity i.e. the Crusades, Inquisition, Slavery, et. al. the same was done with Judaism i.e. illegal settlement activity and terrorist acts, the same was done with many religions yesterday and today.  So let’s not be hypocritical guys.  The truth is it almost always boils down to individuals and some groups or even regions, never has it been over a billion people!!!  I will admit that Islam is a violent religion as soon as a Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. admits that their religion is violent too!  So check out Dr. B’s show from Tuesday night, then listen to my show that same night as I was too worked up to stay on topic and finished my discussion, to get the full spill of Tuesday nights activities.  I’m willing to promise that this will not be my last encounter with Walid Shoebat or Brad Thor, in fact I look forward to it.  I will debate them and any other critic anytime and anyplace.  To quote President George Bush “Bring it on”.

Now that I got that off my chest, equally disturbing is the continuing issue with the MLK memorial.  As many of you may or may not know, I did several posts about the controversy surrounding the memorial.  How Dr. King’s immortalizing on the Washington D.C. mall has been OUTSOURCED to Communist China.  I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but you mean to tell me there are no American Artists capable of doing this great work?  You mean to tell me there are no American quarries capable of producing the necessary granite?  I have to give many thanks to Mr. Gilbert Young, a famous artist and activist, who brought this issue to the national stage as well as Mr. Joe Madison the “black eagle” a famous talk radio host and activist.  It’s because of these two men that I even found out about this tragedy and exploitation of not only the legacy of Dr. King but the exploitation of his supporters and the supporters and financiers of the memorial.  Both Mr. Young and Madison have spoken about this on national radio and television and are an inspiration to young men such as myself.  They remind me of the importance of getting your voice out there, especially when it comes to injustice.

I was honored and privileged to be able to call in to Joe Madison’s show this morning while Gilbert Young was on and let me tell you, this latest round of controversy is even more sickening than the first round.  The Washington Post produced an article in the “style” section yesterday titled A King Statue “Made In China”, August 15th where there was an expose’ about the chosen artist from China Lei Yixin, in which there were blatant lies and defamation regarding this situation and its critics.  They want us to believe that Yixin was familiar with Dr. King prior to his commission and it’s a perfectly natural fit for him to do this work, but that isn’t the truth.

The truth of the matter as ORIGINALLY reported by both Mr. Gilbert and Madison is that Lei Yixin had no prior knowledge of Dr. King and of his own admission didn’t understand why he was picked, but now the Post would have us believe that Yixin is a MLK scholar.  China’s history AGAINST human and civil rights should be reason alone why people should be more than upset that China sponsored artist would be picked to immortalize an American Hero who was for human and civil rights.  There’s other facts about China that makes it even more foolish that they would be chosen to “honor” Dr. King, but there’s no need to go into that right this moment.  The overall point is, the Washington Post and many others should be called to task for not only spreading falsehoods about this artist to make it more appeasing to critics, but also for even remotely trying to fool people into supporting this great injustice and affront to all Americans and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.  They should all be ashamed of themselves and those of us who are against them and for preserving Dr. King’s legacy and America’s history need to do more about it!  Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t stand the idea that like so many other things, Dr. King’s memorial will come in a crate that says “Made in China!  The key word for today:



R. Salaam 


Follow-up: Current things on my mind…Critics of Islam and Dr. King “Made in China”

Like most days believe it or not, my head is filled with a gazillion thoughts today and I have this feeling of incompleteness that has come over me.  There are several current and past issues that I feel I need to speak about and get off my chest, lest I go crazy… (Considering I’m not already).  Right now there are two items that stand out more than most:  My appearance on Dr. Blogstein’s Radio Happy our on Tuesday night and the Martin Luther King Memorial soon to be built in Washington, DC.

Starting with Tuesday….I had the privilege of having the opportunity to listen to the good Dr.’s show and he had two very controversial guests…Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian terrorist, now Christian, critic against Islam, pro-American/Israel, and a partridge in a pear tree, and author Brad Thor, best-selling author on the New York Times list, and open critic of Islam as well.  Let me say listening to their comments against Islam and their broad sweeping assertions about Islam being a violent religion and all Muslims being terrorist, did nothing short of making me furious.  Not because I’m not used to such foolish assertions by now, but primarily because of their tactics and their direct opposition to my work as one who speaks out against the failings of Muslims.

Their tactics enraged me because they were full of illogical fallacies.  They really want the listeners to believe that people directly interpret text as they do.  In other words their theory is that because they can quote verses of the Quran or Hadith that suggest or speak of “violence” then automatically all Muslims and Islam is violent.  I countered with the same should also be true for Jews and Christians then, because if one was to read the Tanakh or the Bible there’s ample verses that suggest or speak of “violence” as well.  So why are they only giving special attention to Muslims and Islam?  Then they want us to believe that because you have terrorists who justify violence using said texts it validates their point, but they forget to mention that the overwhelming majority of Muslims use the same texts to justify living in peace, interfaith, or actively acting against terrorists like I am.  So it’s either all or nothing?  That’s my opinion.  Either all Muslims are something or they are not.  Then the truth can come in where they promote falsehood.  The truth is that some Muslims are terrorists and most are not.  Therefore, we need to focus on the ideology that makes terrorists which is obviously not the same as those who are not terrorists hence; it’s not Islam, but something else.  Islam, like most religion throughout human history is being used as a scapegoat and a catalyst to promote wicked actions.  The same was done with Christianity i.e. the Crusades, Inquisition, Slavery, et. al. the same was done with Judaism i.e. illegal settlement activity and terrorist acts, the same was done with many religions yesterday and today.  So let’s not be hypocritical guys.  The truth is it almost always boils down to individuals and some groups or even regions, never has it been over a billion people!!!  I will admit that Islam is a violent religion as soon as a Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. admits that their religion is violent too!  So check out Dr. B’s show from Tuesday night, then listen to my show that same night as I was too worked up to stay on topic and finished my discussion, to get the full spill of Tuesday nights activities.  I’m willing to promise that this will not be my last encounter with Walid Shoebat or Brad Thor, in fact I look forward to it.  I will debate them and any other critic anytime and anyplace.  To quote President George Bush “Bring it on”.

Now that I got that off my chest, equally disturbing is the continuing issue with the MLK memorial.  As many of you may or may not know, I did several posts about the controversy surrounding the memorial.  How Dr. King’s immortalizing on the Washington D.C. mall has been OUTSOURCED to Communist China.  I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but you mean to tell me there are no American Artists capable of doing this great work?  You mean to tell me there are no American quarries capable of producing the necessary granite?  I have to give many thanks to Mr. Gilbert Young, a famous artist and activist, who brought this issue to the national stage as well as Mr. Joe Madison the “black eagle” a famous talk radio host and activist.  It’s because of these two men that I even found out about this tragedy and exploitation of not only the legacy of Dr. King but the exploitation of his supporters and the supporters and financiers of the memorial.  Both Mr. Young and Madison have spoken about this on national radio and television and are an inspiration to young men such as myself.  They remind me of the importance of getting your voice out there, especially when it comes to injustice.

I was honored and privileged to be able to call in to Joe Madison’s show this morning while Gilbert Young was on and let me tell you, this latest round of controversy is even more sickening than the first round.  The Washington Post produced an article in the “style” section yesterday titled A King Statue “Made In China”, August 15th where there was an expose’ about the chosen artist from China Lei Yixin, in which there were blatant lies and defamation regarding this situation and its critics.  They want us to believe that Yixin was familiar with Dr. King prior to his commission and it’s a perfectly natural fit for him to do this work, but that isn’t the truth.

The truth of the matter as ORIGINALLY reported by both Mr. Gilbert and Madison is that Lei Yixin had no prior knowledge of Dr. King and of his own admission didn’t understand why he was picked, but now the Post would have us believe that Yixin is a MLK scholar.  China’s history AGAINST human and civil rights should be reason alone why people should be more than upset that China sponsored artist would be picked to immortalize an American Hero who was for human and civil rights.  There’s other facts about China that makes it even more foolish that they would be chosen to “honor” Dr. King, but there’s no need to go into that right this moment.  The overall point is, the Washington Post and many others should be called to task for not only spreading falsehoods about this artist to make it more appeasing to critics, but also for even remotely trying to fool people into supporting this great injustice and affront to all Americans and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.  They should all be ashamed of themselves and those of us who are against them and for preserving Dr. King’s legacy and America’s history need to do more about it!  Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t stand the idea that like so many other things, Dr. King’s memorial will come in a crate that says “Made in China!  The key word for today:



R. Salaam 


Articles of Interest, August 10, 2007

My Positions….

Why am I even writing this you may ask? This is an on-going edited personal project of mine, kinda like my book….which is still in work, btw….:) My intent is to regularly update this particular post with my thoughts concerning my established positions on political and religions issues as specific and to the point as possible. For those who want to directly ask a question (any) that you may want to know my position about, feel free to email me. #1 Iraq One of the many greatest lies ever told. Iraq had no connection with 9/11 and there were no WMD. In fact, what was found was things that we had the receipts for! Iraq is a financial black hole, our standing in the world has been greatly reduced, and since our invasion Iraq has become a contributor to terrorism propaganda and recruitment primarily because Osama Bin Laden and his cronies can now say "we told you so". I believe we should truly claim "Mission Accomplished" as we have found no WMD and indefinitely reduced Saddam's capability to make such (seeing as there is no Saddam anymore). We should reallocate our troops out of Iraq elsewhere in the theater, limit them to essential personnel and readiness forces and bring the rest of our troops back home, while at the same time strengthening the force in Afghanistan to face those who you know…ACTUALLY ATTACKED AMERICA ON 9/11!!! Say what you want, but at some point we have to realize that you can't make people want you, like you, or see you as anything else as an occupier. Especially, when we are building an embassy the size of Vatican City and there are rumors of permanent Military bases, and let's not forget that shaky oil law that is trying to be passed. The one constant I want to know is what is our threshold? How many lives, injuries, money spent, etc. must we allow to occur before we realize that going to war based on lies/and or bad intelligence is in fact just that: Bad intelligence and to continue because we think we can erase that is a lie. With all this in mind, as Americans one has to pray that whatever mistakes were/are made that somehow there is benefit in this situation for both the American people and the Iraqi people and ultimately the world. I personally pray that in the long run that maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Iraq will be the jewel of the East and not the beginning of the end for the region. In truth, only time will tell, but that doesn't negate how I feel about the policies or policy makers that got us there in the first place. I believe that we should begin our withdrawal from Iraq now, but not from the region. We need to give the Iraqis a way to govern themselves without our presence on their streets, but at the same time be close enough to help out if the situation greatly deteriorates. Let us not forget that even America was born from revolution and ultimately war. We can't continue to occupy in the name of "keeping the peace" without ever allowing the Iraqi government the ability to learn and grow on their own. ****Update 8/25/09**** After re-reading this years' old post, I still think I was right and I'm glad I voted for a President who agrees. 🙂 #2 Democrats vs Republicans I don't care for either party truthfully. To me they are like Satan and Lucifer, putting your trust in either of them and not God Alone will only lead you to hell. To be more specific I believe both parties are playing games with their constituents and the American People as a whole. I forget the New England town who wanted to add it, but there was an idea that ballots should include a vote for "none or neither, etc." That's what we need in America. People blindly vote along party lines never really analyzing the issues or candidates solely because of the (D) or (R) next to their name. Even when we do vote consciously, we get these people into office and they don't represent the people, just the lobbies with all the money and power. If the people are to truly be heard, we need to make these candidates fight for our votes and fight to keep them. We need alternative, viable parties, and institutions that are not beholding to corporate America. Then can we see real change. To Democrats reading this, how can you truly believe the party, when they haven't ended the war? Isn't that why you put them in power? Don't give me that crap about they couldn't either. They hold the money, they could have sent President Bush the same budget over and over and let him veto it over and over, and when he had no money for the war, they could have said it was his fault. But they didn't! The main reason was they were worried about bad press generated by the "opposition" party. ****Update 8/25/09**** Ummm, we are STILL in Iraq and Democrats hold the Executive, Legislative, and dare I say Judicial branches of government…. To Republicans reading this, I hope you don't truly believe "W" or Cheney are actual Conservatives….There is nothing conservative about neither of them or those who support them, unless you call record spending "conservative" and fiscally responsible. And don't get me started on the "Christian" thing. If they or their "evangelical" supporters were actual such, maybe, just maybe they would reflect Jesus (as) teachings as recorded in the book of Matthew 5:1-12: The Beatitudes 1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them saying: 3"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. 10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. I'm sorry but I don't see anything "meek", "righteous", "merciful", "pure in heart", or "peaceful" when it comes to either party first and foremost, but especially from the hypocrites who love to say they are Christians but their ACTIONS show OTHERWISE. Last I noticed, crime, homelessness, poverty, lack of health care, education, etc. runs rampant in the streets of America, let alone the streets where America's foreign policy has had direct impact to other nations streets. But if you want to continue to believe in this fairytale and have these people speaking from your pulpits, do your thing… ****Update 8/25/09**** The GOP is a mess, they lost the entire government miserably because they still continue to act like a minority party relying on a base that has views that are nowhere near the mainstream of America.  Until they diversify their party in both ideology and racial makeup, they will cease to matter in politics. #3 Abortion: It's a sick practice if you ask me personally. I don't like it, nor do I advocate it. To me, it's very sinful. However, what is also very sinful is
the idea that I should be able to force my beliefs, especially my religious ones on anybody else. God has given humanity the right of choice. The free will to choose for THEMSELVES anything they want. For one to act as a god beside God and force your will on one whom HE has given free will to is wrong. Therefore, women should be able to choose what they want to do with their bodies. I believe their should be some regulation on the practice, for instance, it doesn't take 3 months to decide if you want to be pregnant or not. Most people make up their mind about that before they get pregnant and definitely within the first week after they find out they are pregnant. Furthermore, we can't just attack the woman having the abortion. We would be better off attacking the situation that caused the woman to get pregnant in the first place. You know like ummm teenage pregnancy, moral decline, rampant promiscuity, infidelity, social ills like telling a woman her worth is only between her legs, sexism, commercialism, RAP VIDEOS, etc. etc. etc. I think you get my point(s). #4 Islam: First and foremost, Islam is Islam. Loosely that means Islam which actually means submission to the One God of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. (pbut) and through this submission one attains peace that is granted by God Alone because one is in accordance to His will, is exactly that. There is no such thing as "radical", "extreme", "fanatical", "fundamentalist", "fascist", or even "moderate" Islam. Islam is not a person it's a system of belief and practice that originated with the Originator it began with Him and ends with Him, it has no beginning and no ending. However, there are those who call themselves "Muslim" one who submits for which they or other could subscribe those titles, but even then those aren't fitting. I for one fit all those titles at various times and sometimes all at the same time. A true Muslim can't be placed in a box with titles for to do so one would have to put God in a box with a title. How can One who has no beginning or ending be boxed? Similarly, one who is in accordance with that One also cannot be boxed in because they reflect similar attributes of that One and their only limitations are not those placed upon them by fellow man, but by God Alone. Some of these words in this post alone could be deemed "radical", "extreme", "fanatical", "moderate", or "fundamentalist" and maybe they are adequate descriptions, but what does that have to do with Islam? Even in classification, you can only classify MY WORDS and MY ACTIONS, so why attempt at doing so with Islam when you can't adequately describe that which has no physical identity, yet everything physical bears witness to it? My point is that those whom those titles are ascribed to are individuals. An individual is not responsible for the actions and beliefs of another. What one chooses to eat, doesn't make another defecate does it? So in many musings out there consider your words, when you slander one "muslim" or a group of "muslims" or even a nation or region of "muslim" remember that they could never adequately reflect the truth and substance of all Muslims now, before, or in the past. Do I believe there is a problem with Islam? Absolutely NOT, there is a problem with those professing to subscribe to it's teachings and there is a problem with those who don't subscribe, but profess to nevertheless know the truth of it's teachings. It is with these people that we should focus our concentration, for it is these people that have to change the current and future reality for all peoples. Those of us who profess Islam need to act like Muslims. We are to repel evil, injustice, persecution, and oppression, with which is better. Not for Islam, for Islam is intangible, Not for God, for God has no need of creation, but creation needs Him, but for the benefit of ourselves and all of humanity period. Islam brings about peace, so it's up to the believers and PRACTITIONERS of Islam to reflect peace, in their every deed, word, and action with all peoples, at all locations on the Earth, at all times. To do other than that, is not on non-Islamic, but render one the opposite of what is intended by the meaning of Muslim and Islam.

Specific Issues:

  • Honor Killings: There is no such thing in Islam. This is a horrible, dishonorable, practice that God specifically commands against in the Quran. Allah (swt) reminds us that we are to enjoin one another in good and forbid what is evil, He also tells us to be just, fair, and to have patience and compassion. He tells us not to be compelling in religion but invite those to share in our faith with reason and by example. How can anyone claim there is honor in killing when Allah (swt) expressly tells us in the Quran that we are only allowed to fight against persecution and in self-defense and to cease when there is peace, He also reminds us that the killing of one person unjustly is like the killing of all of mankind. The Muslim who believes that their is honor in killing one for pseudo Islamic reasons has little or no faith in Allah (swt) because Allah (swt) is He who needs no defense, who needs no protector, and needs none to fight for Him, yet He is the Defender, the Protector, and the Maintainer and Sustainer of all who seek Him.

#5 Israel: I don't know why people must attempt to lie about me. I have said it a gazillion times how I feel about Israel. I believe that Israel has the right to exist in Peace. Let me repeat: I believe Israel has the right to exist in Peace. I believe that all of humanity has this right exist in Peace. This is a right given by our Creator. For me to say otherwise, would be to go against my beliefs as a Muslim. I have said it many times before that I know why Muslims are hurt and why Palestinians feel the way they do. But I say to my fellow Muslims, that you can acheive more with peace. If we love Palestine then work toward a peaceful, free, and democratic Palestine. Let us use our wealth to build the Palestinian infrastructure. Constant instability and war does nothing for progress. It is nothing more than regression. Let's put our money and prayers and true Islam into action. Let's build the Palestinian people. Lets ensure their infrastructure is the best in the world. If the citizens needs are met then why worry about Israel. ITS DONE let's get over it. In peace, we can work on boarder issues, but we don't even have a state to even discuss boarders, and we will never have a state as long as death and destruction instead of peace and construction is the plan of the day. Let me also add that we have to understand that a lasting peace has to be rooted in Justice. If we would like the Palestinian people and the broader "Muslim world" to focus on internal issues and build their infrastructure, a fertile atmosphere must be present. You can't build a community if it's constantly under the fear of destruction by miltary grade weaponry or bull-dozing. Nor can such actions be expected to have peaceful results. It's one thing to believe and act on an eye for an eye, it's an entirely different thing to believe in an eye for an entire body. If Hamas and others kill an Israeli or launch a rocket and we know and condemn that, how can it be OK to in response kill several or many Palestinians by bombing buildings and razing farms? Justice as to be blind and equal. We can't continue to put the onus of peace on the Palestinians even though I truly encourage patience on their part, when Israel continually violates UN resolutions and Human Rights and are never even slapped on the wrist. #6 Iran: It seems like common sense to me, but to others it's a mystery. Iran signed the treaty. There is no proof outside of 2003 that they want a nuclear weapon. They have continually denied it. Every expert say they are a ways off from it. Why continually threaten, posture, and sanction against a "what if"?. Furthermore, why is it that countries in the Middle East are not allowed to have nuclear weapons, yet a select few can and there is at least one country (Israel) in the Middle East that is somehow above this rule, won't allow international inspectors in, won't sign any treaties, and there is not one word said about it? Iran should be allowed to pursue their stated goals in peace without pressure from the West, unless and until there is absolute evidence to the contrary that their goals are against the interests of peace for all, not just for some who want to define what's in the best interests of all. ****New Stuff 8/25/09 and later**** #7 Islamophobes: I don't particularly like the term because it's not entirely true.  The correct term is racists.  Now I know some will state that "Muslim" or "Islam" isn't a race and that's a neat technical cover, but the truth is that if one was to look at all these sites, books, commentaries, lectures, Fox "News" , etc. and replaced the word "Islam" or "Muslim" with "Black" "Hispanic" "Minority" etc.  the truth would be clearer. I truly believe that those who have a problem with Muslims in general because of our religion no matter their excuses hold racial ideological views in one form or another. Why?  Because their arguments are illogical on the premise.  They would have us believe that because a percentage of Muslims commit acts of terror than all Muslims are terrorists, sympathizers, etc. and that Islam teaches violence.  It's really easy to paint that picture when your dealing with those who refuse to think when you can show clip after clip of some bombing, flag burning, etc. but when you deal with people who do think, the "debate" falls apart. In order for there to be some logic in their argument than that would mean that the argument can be equally applied across the group regardless of the group.  But what they are stating is that with Muslims 2+2=4 but with any other group 2+2=5,6, or 7. Here's there argument no matter how elaborate or cleverly disguised: 1.  Islam is a violent religion because: – a. there are "violent" verses in the Qur'an – b. there are "many" terrorists that are Muslim among other evil things 2.  Muslims are violent or inherently violent or potentially violent because: – a. a "true" Muslim follows the Qur'an and the Qur'an is violent (see 1a) – b. not every terrorist is a Muslim but most Muslims are terrorist (foolish quote they use) Now I'm not going to refute their foolish assertions other than to point out their major flaw: MEASUREMENT Most logical people agree that without getting into statics as a study that most people believe that a simple majority is 51% meaning that even as such a close percentage, it would be acceptable to state that the majority of (a) is (b) if (a) equals 51% or more of a sample. That said, what these Islamophobes continually do is push an agenda that is designed to not be held accountable, hence why they only deal with people who are illogical who often hold to views and ideologies that just happen to be racist/supremacist. A logical person would ask two questions and be done with the thing: 1.  What percentage of the versus in the Qur'an would you consider "violent"? 2.  What percentage of Muslims are "violent"? For the life of me I don't know why Muslims tend to waste so much time debating these people explaining Arabic, Tafsir, etc. call them on their own fallacies and simply ask them? 1.  Why is it that you call Islam/Qur'an violent when you can only rely on a dozen or so versus that loosely fit that description, what about the other several thousand? 2.  Why is it that you call Muslims violent, when no sane person will ever equate the number of terrorists above a couple of million if that, what about the other billion Muslims? Then you have to get them to admit that logic is irrelevant to them because no matter what in their opinion the minority actually represents the majority and when they do that, it becomes clearer why some of these same people believe that the majority of Hispanics are illegal, the Majority of Blacks are criminals, etc. etc. Ever wonder why this tricky math is never applied to White people or Christians? It's obvious to me…. Because if they were using logic then that would mean that most Americans are fornicators, sinners, and violent.  The majority of white people are racist and have  a predisposition to treat those who don't look like them unjustly, and Christianity…don't get me started on the hundreds of verses in the Bible that justify everything from genocide to slavery! We are not dealing with logical people and the only people in the history of America who have held negative views of another group based on the actions of a few in that group or well placed lies have been racists and that majority group has been white Christians. So one has to ask:  If you picked up an anti-Islam book, watched Fox"News", listened to Right Wing radio, etc. what's the most likely background o

f the author, reporter, or talk show host that promotes these views? Just saying…. But like I have said in the past, I will declare Islam a violent religion the moment Christians and Jews declare their religions violent.  If some scripture or the actions of some so-called followers are considered the measuring stick to declare a religion violent, then the Christians should be the first to do the declaring!